Saturday, February 12, 2011

Opposition, Worldviews, Communists, and my China

Lately I've changed up my devotionals. While unpacking I found my old one Extreme Devotion from Voice of the Martyrs. I started reading and wow has it impacted me. I was wondering why it never had this much of an effect on me, then I realized I only read the stories, I didn't read the application or the biblical knowledge it held. What a shallow, a-typical pk Christian I used to be and sometimes that old personality rears its ugly head (hey, I'm not perfect).

To share I read this story about Richard Wurmbrand. If you don't know who he is well, he was a missionary to Romania; google him if you'd like. In it the first quote is "I admire Communists". To add to the oddness of the quote Richard is a Jew who had to endure  WWII and all the persecutions that came along with. So, you'd think Communism wouldn't be very high on his lists of admirations. So what did he admire? He admired the readiness of a people to defend their "Utopia". He followed with his observations of the common church and how it was hard to find people to defend their faith.

He loved it when people opposed him. Why? Because they had taken an intrest. This gave him an opportunity to challenge them to the truth. After this he was able to share his beliefs and not just bible bang them, tell them how much an idiot they are, or preach at them. But, he said, to do this we must know where they are coming from and speak intelligently. Most of all share with love. Hold on, not sure if you got that, WITH LOVE!!!

For that very reason I'm so excited I am taking worldviews. I want to be able to utilize opposition thrown at me and to be able to example the faith in terms others can relate to. Also I was extremely excited and disappointed when he was talking about communism. I was like, "Yo, where my people at?!?!" In my mind of course. Because he was talking about my people, my China (if you didn't know, China is a communist nation. Their economic stand-point is slowly changing, but their government standpoint of socialism is deep-rooted). The field is fresh for the picking. The Chinese are a dedicated people willing to die for causes close to the heart. I am disappointed it is communism. I want to give these people something to stand up for Jesus. Ince these people get ahold of the truth, there is nothing stopping their dedication.

So next time someone is harassing you, don't get defensive or slander them in their ignorance. Love them, challenge them, change them. They are a huge opportunity for ministry, don't let your own pride or ignorance get in the way of that. Be the love this generation needs. The love of Jesus.

Matthew 5:43-44
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

"I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light"  --  John Keith Falconer

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