Friday, February 11, 2011

Got Your Buddy?

Tonight I was reading about James (the son of Zebedee) and his execution. He and a Roman officer were killed that day. The Roman guard set to kill him refused to do so. Now as an officer to disobey orders is a death wish. That guard knew his life would end, but he still did the right thing. Why? It was the influence of James and the man who sent him.

The devil is smart when it comes to this. Mentoring and relationship between two believers is so crucial for the spiritual survival of them. It not only provides positive peer pressure, accountability, and knowledge (some give, some take and vice versa). The devil sees this and makes it his target for christians. "Oh, you don't have to go to church, it's just a building. God is everywhere." Yes, God is everywhere, but remember what the early church was: the body of Christ! Fellowship and discipleship with each other helps keep us going.

I mean if we aren't together as one body, strong and faithful, how are we supposed to reach out to others, when we can't even touch the lives of other believers? So I challenge you this week. Grab your best friend at youth and start being true friends and keep each other heading towards God strong!

"Only as the church fulfills her missionary obligation does she justify her existence." -- Unknown


  1. Awesome. Loved it!


    really enjoy reading your posts.

  2. Hannah, your words inspire me. (:
    I love you, be my buddy? (:
