Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Jesus

Tonight at youth Pastor Gerry asked us a question: Who is Jesus to us? And this got me thinking, what roles do I see Jesus in? The following is the outcome of my thinking.
Who Jesus is to Me
1. My best friend. He is there when I'm crying over the good, the bad, and the dumb things, He is there when I need someone to talk to, He knows all my weaknesses and still loves me, and even when the way I treat Him isn't deserving of Him, He will always rush back to my side when I ask.
2. My Comforter. Yes, true this is a job of a best friend, but He is practically the definition. Wait a minute He is in the dictionary, literally! See:

 comforter |ˈkəmfərtər|
1 a warm quilt.
2 a person or thing that provides consolation.
( Comforter) the Holy Spirit.
3 dated a woolen scarf
He even gives me songs. Two that I particularly love are Hold You in My Arms by Ray Lamontagne and The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script. He says He is singing them to me and then He holds me tight.

3. He is my creator; the artist. Very much like an artist, He came up with the idea of me; breathed me into being. He adds color to my life and gave me my talents, personality, and vision. Without my artist I have no life, no purpose. It's a funny thought for a painting to give itself meaning without the artist.
4. My Protector. If I let Him, He can always protect me. From my circumstances, the attacks of the enemy, and most of all, myself.
5. Lastly, my Savior. Here is a God willing to die for me. The weak, screw-up, me. All I need to do is love Him and believe. The thing I will never understand is that even if I was the only one He could save, He still would. And I love Him for it.

"If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him." -- C.T. Studd


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