Sunday, February 6, 2011

No Plan B

Last night Mike Flemming, our church's missionary to the Dominican Republic, was speaking about how God has supplied for his family, even in situations of poverty. He gave out of faith, even in their poverty, and got back more than they gave. This really spoke to my heart. Every time people hear I want to be in missions, they always want to know what I'm going to fallback on if it doesn't work out. Honestly, there is nothing. I'm not interested in doing anything but following God's will. Is that so dumb? To follow the plan God has for me? I know that when I am penniless, I can trust God will provide if I'm faithful.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't plan on being irresponsible with my money, squandering my passion and finances to the wind, and then expect God to provide. I just know that his perfect plan will cover my needs. I understand this means maybe I won't get the nicest clothes, nicest house, or cars; but don't you doubt that I will have all of those things and more. My God is my provider and I will follow him into my future faithfully. If that means I pick up a few trades on the way, so be it. But if God asks me for firewood, I'm not going to go and get wrapped up in all the other things I might need to start a fire. I'm going to get the firewood.

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply" -- Hudson Taylor


1 comment:

  1. Love this, Hannah.
    That last line about firewood is perfect.
